The 1.1 mile long Jim Slagle Loop Trail is within Sandy River Park.

Sections of the trail are on steep side slopes above the Sandy River.

We rented a mini-excavator and Gene excavated the trail and constructed the single bridge on the project.

We used on site cedar slices from an adjacent large down cedar to build support boxes (filled with gravel), and stringers.

There were three support boxes carrying the two separate bridge sections.

Sitting on the remainder of the large down cedar log. We cut out slabs to build the boxes and for the bridge stringers.

Old growth western red cedar will last longer than treated wood. We purchased Douglas fir boards for the decking.

The trail has since brushed in to the desired two foot tread width.

The trail crew members worked through 90-100+ temperatures. Here they took great pride in constructing a large culvert.

Gene excels in excavating a bench while protecting native vegetation that makes it look like the trail has been there for years and not days!

The project was done in mid-summer with record heat and no rain. The trail became dusty and was challenging to outslope and compact the tread. We returned in October to do more finish work after rains.

Jim had told us that this would be his last trail project and we surprised him by naming the trail for him.

City of Sandy mayor helps cut the ribbon with Jim Slagle.

The AntFarm Youth Trail Crew brought their families out to show off the trail they helped build.

The kid-friendly Jim Slagle Loop Trail is a great alternative to the steep rocky logging road that was previously the only access to the Sandy River.

Community Services Director helps install the permanent trail signs.
Jim Slagle Loop Trail Project
Project Overview: The Jim Slagle Loop Trail is a 1.1 mile long hike/mountain bike trail within the 124 acre Sandy River Park. The trail makes two loops with an old logging road and the Sandy River Trail that goes down to the river. The City of Sandy completed a Sandy River Park Master Plan in 2011 the outlined a conceptual trails plan. Jim Slagle, a trails planner, retired from the Forest Service and having run his own trails planning business designed the trail. Gene Tilgner, On Call Construction did trail excavation and bridge construction. The AntFarm Youth Trail Crew, a local organization that works with at-risk youth worked on trail brushing, tread work, and drainage structures.
My Duties: Project Manager and Trail Crew Leader, reporting to Community Services Director Nancy Enabnit who was Sandy's lead staff responsible. Assisted Jim Slagle with trail survey and design. Prepared trail construction log with structure drawings. Coordinated equipment contractor, mini-excavator rental, and AntFarm Trail Crew through City of Sandy. Arranged gravel, culverts and other trail materials order. Developed sign plan and sign order and installed signs.
Project Photos - click on photo