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Trails Master Planning: Trail Master Plans are conceptual trail plans developed with land managers, trail users, neighbors and other interested parties.  We may use a design charette process, workshop, and/or field reviews to compile ideas and options into a preferred vision.


Trail Design Narratives, Layout, Survey and Design: We prepare Design Narratives that spell out more details than a master plan document and specify dimensions for trail corridors, tread, and grade.  It also describes materials and equipment to be used and resource protection guidelines.  Optional flag lines can be reviewed and then we can survey and design the final alignment.

Trail Mapping and Construction Logs: We can use a GPS device and prepare trail maps.  With a trail survey, we can develop a trail construction log showing defined construction directions for each trail segment including typical cross sections, site specific drainage structures, and other particulars for use by trail construction crews or contractors. 

Trail Planning, Layout, Survey and Design
Grant Writing and Project Partnerships

Grant Writing: Walker Trails has a long and successful history at writing and securing grants for trail projects.  I have secured more than $7 million in project funds over 25 years.  In many cases, the projects were funded with multiple grants and involved many partners.  These can have multiple deadlines, spending rules, and reporting requirements.  We understand the importance of people and paper management on a project.

Partnership Coordination: Trail projects can involve land managers, user groups, neighbors, volunteers, contractors, and funding partners.  We can help coordinate projects with all interested parties to make sure people are kept informed, involved, and invested in the project's success.

Volunteer Coordination and Youth Corps Contracting: We have contracted with a variety of youth trail crews including Americorps, Northwest Youth Corps, AntFarm Youth Corps and Warm Springs Trail Crew.  Involving youth trail crews can be rewarding for all parties when expectations are clear and the needs of all parties are being met.  We can help recruit and manage youth crews on the project. 

Project Manager: Trail construction projects can be very complex with so many partners and funding sources in play.  We can serve as the consistent presence to clarify roles and responsibilities, coordinate timelines, and line out contractors, volunteers, or youth corps.  We can document progress reports and ensure the trail project is successfully completed.

Trail Crew Management:  We can oversee volunteers or trail youth corps to perform trail work as lined out in trail construction documents.  We can ensure the crew is following safety protocols, accomplishing the needed work and enjoying their experience overall.  Good team work produces good trail work. 

Contract Inspector: Walker Trails can serve as a contract inspector on a trails project. We can document accomplishments and issues in daily diaries and keep trail project managers apprised of progress on the trail project.   

Construction Management
Trail Signs, Brochures and Marketing

Trail Sign Plans: We can develop a clear and consistent trails sign plan that includes signing for road access, trailhead parking area, trail intersections, and interpretive or regulatory signs along the trail.

Trail Brochures and Maps:  Walker Trails can GPS trails and develop trail maps.  We have experience developing trail brochures for users and working with printers to complete the trail map and brochure print jobs.

Trail Websites and Marketing: Trail users find information about trails online.  We can help load trail maps, directions and descriptions of the trail as well as photos, videos and interpretive podcasts for trails.  We can also ensure tourism and user groups have links to high quality trail information.  

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